Self Supervised Learning

A Cookbook of Self-Supervised Learning: #

Initial Notes from:

Intro: #

  • NLP advanced due to SSL –> No need of labelled data to train supervised model

  • SSL -> Define a pretext task –> Un-labelled data –> intelligent representation

  • NLP: Word2Vec is SSL – In a sentence, mask a word and predict the surrounding words (It learns context)

  • CV: 2 current popular ways:

    • mask a patch and prediction of masked path

    • augmented version of the same sample –> train model such that embeddings from these 2 images are close as compared to any other image.

  • Why SSL is hard and need of cookbook

    • Computational Cost

    • No detailed papers and its proper implementation with parameters

    • unified vocab

Origin of SSL: #

Discussion about several pre-text tasks which were used few years ago in the field of SSL:

  1. Information restoration:

    • Remove something from image and restore it or convert to grayscale and train a ML model to predict the colors. This helps in learning object semantics and boundaries.

    • Newer Method: Masked-AutoEncoding - Transformer based where patches are masked

  2. Video Temporal Relationship:

    • Model training using triplet loss for similarity of two representations of same object in 2 different frames.

    • Remove audio track and predict it based on the video input

    • Prediction of depth mapping between un-labelled image pairs.

  3. Learning spatial context:

    • Random rotation –> predict the amount of rotation

    • Jigsaw: convert image to blocks and create pairs –> predict the relative position of each pair.

  4. :